Hauts-de-Seine: his young children roam the streets at night, ex-rugby player Djibril Camara in police custody

The evening could have taken a dramatic turn. In the night from Saturday to Sunday, around three o’clock in the morning, a tradesman in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine) finds two children wandering in a street of the city, as told by the site Actu. The seven-year-old eldest, and his three-year-old little sister, walk around in their pajamas and socks, looking lost. The improbable scene prompts the restaurateur to call the police to bring the two little ones to safety.

These children are those of the former rugby player Djbril Camara who had custody of them this weekend. According to our information, the former player of the Stade Français and ex-international (4 selections for the Blues in 2016 and 2017), was arrested by the police on Sunday morning. The 33-year-old former winger was then taken into custody at 8 a.m. to explain his nighttime actions.

Heard for “subtraction of a parent from his legal obligations to the point of compromising the safety, health, morals or education of his minor child”, Djibril Camara explained that he had to go to the evening and had contacted a nanny to look after her children. But the former player left his accommodation before his arrival, not wanting the person responsible for watching over his son and daughter to cross paths with the woman he was about to go out with. It is not known at this time whether or not the nanny has shown up at his home.

Summoned to a parental responsibility course

Released from police custody on Monday, the former tricolor international was summoned before the prosecutor’s delegate for a parental responsibility internship, indicates the Nanterre prosecution to Parisian-Today in France. If he follows him, the case will not go any further. Otherwise, Djibril Camara risks up to two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros.

The ex-winger or rear had a chaotic end to his career. In June 2019, Stade Français dismissed him for serious misconduct, questioning the player’s behavior. The latter had estimated that the Parisian club had wanted to get rid of him and had brought the case before the industrial tribunal.

He had bounced back to another Top 14 club, Bayonne, but his experience in the Basque country had come to an end as he was sidelined during the 2020-2021 season, where he only played two games for his last professional season. In March 2022, the player from Essonne joined the staff of the Senegal national team.


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