Grimaldi Lines, partnership with CR Campania Figc-LND – Sport Marketing News

A new partnership is born between the Navigation Company Grimaldi Lines and the FIGC-LND Campania Regional Committee, who have always shared a passion for sport, attention to young people and a deep bond with the territory. In fact, the agreement provides for a special agreement for all amateur and youth football clubs in Campania, with variable discounts based on the line and the season on the maritime connections operated by Grimaldi Lines for the destinations Sardinia, Sicily, Spain and Greece (only from/ for Brindisi).

“We are particularly proud to announce this new partnership, created to meet the travel needs of many boys from Campania involved in amateur and youth football,” he said. Francesca Marino, Passenger Department Manager of Grimaldi Lines –. Fostering the vocation of the younger generations, making it easier for them to travel, is in fact a priority for us. The agreement with the FIGC-LND Campania Regional Committee also allows us to reaffirm our deep bond with the Campania region and in particular with Naples, where the history of our Company began and where we still have our headquarters”.


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