Golden State Warriors vs. Atlanta Hawks LIVE today (66-69)

Golden State Warriorshad a lousy start to the season after having won the last championship of the NBADespite the team’s reaction in the second part of the season has been important and has allowed them to occupy playoff positions, the Warriors have a great squad thanks to a combination of experience and youth that has been able to connect in a great way, although their The main enemy has been injuries throughout the season, since they were a factor for the team’s performance, the Warriors are now in a position where it is up to them to maintain their Playoff position, since if they add losses they could drop drastically, they currently occupy the sixth position in the West with a record of 36-34, his last rival Clippers defeated him in a great confrontation that ended with a score of 134-126, against Hawks They cannot afford another defeat to continue looking to improve their place.

Last duel warriors/Image: Warriors


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