Football Manager 2023: From the master’s thesis that ‘turned off’ the system to Firmino’s discovery – Record Gaming

Football Manager is much more than just a video game. It is, without a doubt, the most realistic football simulator on the planet. It even has the ability to confuse the players themselves. Better. Many successful FM examples manage to translate the teachings into real life. We can be comfortably seated on our sofa, with our pajamas on and a mug of tea next to the computer, enjoying the winter day that can be felt outside the four walls of our house, but in just five minutes of gameplay we are teleported, like than by magic, to a parallel reality. We celebrate, bite our nails and even utter a series of insults, because we have a huge desire to be successful… in a world where only we exist.

It looks like real madness. Maybe it’s even downright crazy, but this is probably the highest compliment you can pay to a video game. Even on a social level, it has the ability to erase all problems and clear the mind of the busiest. Stories about FM abound and we, here at Record Premium, will share some of them in the next few days. We start today and with a very simple one.

Let’s talk about Jordan, who did a thesis precisely on Football Manager. Completing the third year of marketing and football at UFCB’s Wembley campus, in London, the young British student decided to write a dissertation on this famous video game, taking as a starting point ‘trust in player statistics and likeness and the influence that this has on stakeholders’.

Jordan’s intense research work was supported by the strong and passionate FM community. He designed a questionnaire in which he wanted to know how much time each player spent in the game and what impact it had on them, as well as the general opinion about the Sports Interactive simulator. Adherence was so positive that Jordan had to make a second link, as the first reached the limit of 1000 people simultaneously. Be amazed.

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Football Manager 2023 is a hit in the world of video games

“In the old days, I couldn’t stop and would play for weeks on end! I still play, but in moderation. I’ve got college and work, but I still love it! Some of my achievements don’t come close to most other people who play, but there are a few years I took Leeds from League One to the Premier League. It was an important ‘save'”, he said, in statements to ‘SportBibble’, adding:

“FM has had such a positive impact on so many people that I wanted to understand the influence of this game as a case study. I looked at the gaming landscape as a whole and how it continues to develop with more and more users, beyond those who now they make a living from it. Also, FM has an amazing community and that makes sense.”

Brazilian striker has always been associated with the popular simulator

Firmino is the standard bearer

There is no shortage of bizarre examples of this popular video game that puts players in the shoes of coaches. The most asymptomatic is perhaps that of Roberto Firmino, one of the main figures of Liverpool, who arrived in Europe after being discovered on FM.

The revelation was made by a scout for Hoffenheim, the German emblem that signed him in January 2011. Lutz Pfannenstiel confirmed the story during an interview with TalkSport radio, assuming that, at the time, he took a lot of risks by hiring a footballer from the Brazilian second division for 4 million euros.

All week long, don’t miss the Premium articles we’re going to dedicate to Football Manager, with more stories, more stories and more stars from the popular video game who jumped the barriers and became figures in… real football.


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