Erlangen’s handball players – Lönborg for Sellin – Sport

The handball Bundesliga club HC Erlangen has now officially announced the commitment of the Danish left-hander Mads-Peter Lönborg. The 27-year-old, 1.85 meter tall model athlete is a good defender and can be used flexibly on the right flank, which significantly expands the tactical variants for coach Raul Alonso. Especially since national player Christoph Steinert can also be used on the outside position in addition to the half. Lönborg joins the Bundesliga from top Danish club Kolding and claims to be fulfilling a long-cherished dream. Former European champion Johannes Sellin has to make room for the Dane, the 32-year-old’s contract will not be extended after six years with the HCE. This makes Sellin, alongside Steffen Fäth, 32, the second European champion of 2016 whose contract with the Middle Franconia will not be extended.


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