Eladio Carrión and Rafa Campos hesitate during the eve of the Puerto Rico Golf Open

Rio Grande. Eladio Carrion is an admirer of the professional golfer Raphael Fields. They even maintain a friendship thanks to the fact that they have spent time together on a golf course.

For this reason, when the urban music artist and trapper received the news that he would be paired with Campos during the Pro-Am in the preamble to the Puerto Rico Open that begins on Thursday, he could not contain his enthusiasm.

I am super relieved that Rafa is with me because it will make my life much easier”, Carrión shared minutes before taking his shot on the first hole of the majestic Grand Reserve Golf Club course in Río Grande. “We are going to have fun, let the man (Campos) do his thing and load us.”

Carrión acknowledged that playing golf at Palmas del Mar in Humacao is part of his routine and warned that he arrived prepared to compete with dignity in the Pro-Am that was designed for nine years.

I am the Hispanic rapper who submits the hardest to golf. I try to play as much as I can and I’m improving little by little. As one is involved in the studio making music every day, it is something ‘cool’ to have something new to improve oneself every day”, related Carrión.

Eladio Carrión demonstrated his golf skills. (Carlos Giusti/Staff)

Campos mentioned that the artist takes sports discipline seriously, although he stressed that his sense of humor stands out.

“We have played like twice and, really, he is a vacilón. I’ve seen him get excited when he hits the ball well and upset when he hits bad shots. It is a constant battle, but the truth is that he is a brutal talent and he is motivated. It is good that young people use it for inspiration. I am a fan of Eladio and the fact of having the opportunity to play with him is always a vacilón”, said Campos, one of the five Puerto Ricans registered to compete in the Puerto Rico Open.

“It will be a serious vacilón”, interrupted Carrión.

Ready Fields for the tournament

In the 2022 edition of the Puerto Rico Open, Campos finished in position 59. This year he is determined to once again find himself in the last couple competing for the Championship.

I feel really well. Physically and mentally I am in a very good place, something I have struggled with in the past few years of coming in with a positive mindset. There are no excuses”, he recounted.

Campos indicated that he has worked hard to improve his physique over the past few months.

Rafa Campos maintained that he lost about 40 pounds during his preparation for the PR Open 2023.
Rafa Campos maintained that he lost about 40 pounds during his preparation for the PR Open 2023. (Carlos Giusti/Staff)

“I have worked very hard to be in the shape that I am. I have very high expectations, but it’s golf. Sometimes things don’t go the way you want and I can’t think that way. I will try to have fun and start strong,” she said.

Campos’s first round tee off will take place at 12:35 pm along with MJ Daffue and Trevor Werbylo from the 10th hole.

I start on the harder side so I’ll take advantage of the start without being too aggressive. I understand that I will have a good week and I feel super good”, he concluded.


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