Ederson believes “very possible” that the Italian Carlo Ancelotti directs the Brazilian team

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

The goalkeeper Ederson Moraes, a Manchester City player and currently concentrated with the Brazilian team for Saturday’s friendly with Morocco, considered this Tuesday as “very possible” that Carlo Ancelotti could take over as Brazil coach. For this, he believes that eliminating Real Madrid from the Champions League would be of great help.

“There is a great possibility that he will come. So we are going to look for that result (City winning the Champions League and preventing the Italian from winning the title) so that he comes as quickly as possible”, said the goalkeeper at a press conference he gave in the Moroccan city of Tangier, where the Canarinha prepares for the friendly

The goalkeeper admitted that he discussed this possibility with the Real Madrid players who are also focused on the national team, such as Vinicius Júnior and Éder Militao, as well as with Casemiro, who was also Ancelotti’s pupil at the Spanish club before leaving for Manchester United.

“At least what they told me about him is that he is an exceptional coach and that everyone in the group (the Real players) likes him. He is a person with a very victorious career and it is enough to look at his resume, ”said the goalkeeper at the press conference broadcast on the networks of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF). “We will see in the future if he will be here or not,” he added.

Ederson was also questioned about the possibility that the Spanish Pep Guardiola, his coach at Manchester City, could take over as Brazil coach, since it is another of the names with which there is speculation, but he was emphatic in ruling out the idea.

“I got to talk to him about it and he told me that he has no chance because he has a contract, which he recently renewed for two seasons. He said that there is no hypothesis, ”he said, and acknowledged that the entire squad is waiting for the CBF to announce the name of Tite’s replacement as soon as possible to end speculation about a foreign or Brazilian technical director.

The goalkeeper added that all the players hope that the Confederation will announce the name of the new coach as quickly as possible because they are anxious with so many speculations about Brazilian and foreign coaches. Today Ramón Menezes, in charge of the sub-20, is on an interim basis.

EFE / SoccerOops

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy


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