Doncic and Irving lay Philadelphia, Golden State good

There are 4 challenges of NBA held on the night of 3 March. Success for i Wizards against Torontofor i Mavericks that begin to mesh with the torque Doncic-Irvingand for the Spurs. Good too Warriorswhich extend i Clippers with a super third quarter.


Thanks to the couple composed by Kuzma and Porzingis, the Wizards are approaching the Raptors (ninth in the standings in the East). The two close the first with 30 points, including the first 10 points of the match, while the second scores 25 with 8/12 from the field.


Anunoby’s 26 points weren’t enough against Washington, which finished all quarters ahead until the end (which ended in a draw). 23 points by Poltl with 13 rebounds, 14 by VanVleet and Barnes. 13 points and 11 rebounds Siakam.


After 4 losses in 5 games played together, Doncic and Irving lead the Mavericks to victory against the 76ers. The pair finished with 42 and 40 points, respectively, becoming the first pair in Texan franchise history to score at least 40 points each in a game. At the start of the second half, the 20-4 run seems to practically close the match, but then in the fourth period Philadelphia shortened the disadvantage.


After the disadvantage in the second half, the 15-0 at the beginning of the fourth period gives hope to the 76ers, who however are then unable to stop the offensive performance of Doncic and Irving. Well the usual Embiid with 35 points and 8 rebounds, Harden signs 27 points and 12 assists. Maxey also did well with 29 points.


First win as head coach for Mitch Johnson (Gregg Popovich affected), who beats the Pacers despite several absences. First double double for Sochan with 22 points and 13 rebounds, Collins, Graham and Vassell also did well, all with 18 points.


After 3 wins in the last 4 games, Indiana loses against the Spurs affected by several absences. Hield’s 27 points are not necessary, together with Duarte’s 18 and Turner’s 14.


The third quarter was decisive for the victory against the Clippers, which brought the Golden State from -11 at the end of the first half, to a run of 42-16 at the end of the third period. Poole with 34 points, 22 of which in the third quarter. Thompson (11 rebounds) and Kuminga finish with 19 points each.


Fourth consecutive loss for the LA team against the Warriors. The partial in the third quarter was decisive and created a disadvantage that was certainly not easy to recover. However, Leonard did well with 21 points, Gordon with 16 points and Plumlee with 12 points and 20 rebounds.


NBA, results 03-03

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Cover photo from Twitter – Article by Davide Teta –


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