Differences between professional and amateur athletes

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Differences between professional and amateur athletes

What is it that differentiates an athlete that we can call professional and those known as “amateur athletes”? On the one hand, professionals are those who voluntarily dedicate themselves to the practice of a sport in exchange for payment.

Amateur athletes, on the other hand, are those who practice sports for leisure, health or exercise reasons, but without receiving any salary in return, even when they do so within a certain period of time. sport Club.

Some people do not agree with the existence of professional athletes, since they believe that they have turned football into a business. They give as an example of this argument the completely exorbitant salaries that some elite players receive.

However, many other people think that there are simply some people who really like to play sports and who want to turn this pleasure into their profession, which should not be denied. For example, in the Olympics they act like amateur athletes, making an effort without receiving any compensation in return, and these same people may later work like professional players. In any case, most people agree that athletes’ salaries should be more moderate.

How to know if you want to be a SPORTSMAN or you just like to DO SPORTS

To realize if you want to be a professional athlete or you are just an amateur, it is best to evaluate your priorities: Do you want to get to be in a professional competition? You must understand that it is not the same to be in a marathon and be part of the crowd, than to bet on winning it. When this becomes a goal and you train for months until you reach it, it could be that your hobby has become something more serious.

Ideally, you should decide soon so that you direct it correctly And if it’s just a hobby or a way to stay healthy, know how to control yourself and not go to excesses.



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