Demonstration lesson of the Global Self-Defense Method at the Majorana Institute

CORIGLIANO-ROSSANO – Today a demonstration lesson of Personal Defense was held with the Fijlkam Global Self-Defense Method (MGA) by the President of the Asd Fitness Center Vincent Rossano (present in the area since 1998 affiliated with Fijlkam-Italian Federation Judo Fight Karate Martial Arts and with the Libertas sports promotion body) Karate Master Antonio Rizzo, qualified with the 3rd level qualification to teach Personal Defense to civilians and law enforcement agencies, former Calabria Fijlkam Regional Trustee in the Ju Jitsu sector, Fijlkam School Sports Educator -Con, on the occasion of International Women’s Day at the Majorana Rossano Higher Education Institute – Agricultural Technical Institute – Environment and Territory Management, involving the lV and V classes of the Adult Course.

Master Rizzo began the lesson by explaining why the Fijlkam Global Self-Defense Method (MGA) was created, the only self-defense method made in Italy, it would be the synthesis of some techniques of karate, ju jitsu, judo, aikido and wrestling.

It is built on the effectiveness ascertained by the concept of compliance on which Japanese Martial Arts are based, whose strategy takes the form of supporting the aggressor’s movements to turn his own strength against him.

All this is aimed at creating a form of mind by the practitioner who, lesson after lesson, increasing his technical knowledge together with his physical potential, develops the ability to evaluate in real time the calculated riskthat is, the habit of acting only when there is a real need.

Countering bullying at school, cyberbullying, feminicide.

He presented some preparatory exercises for self-defense (body positions, guard positions, body movements, imbalances, dodging and blocking techniques).
Joint levers (Elbow lock and elbow control with determination), arm flexion backwards, wrist twist inwards and upwards. Defense from aggression: Fists, knife, (occasional weapon, syringe, glass bottle). Defense from back aggression (to the chest leaving the arms free and blocking the arms). Frontal assault defense (Aggressor pulls with one hand, pushes with one hand).

Maestro Rizzo thanks the Headmasters Saverio Madera and Nicola Calabretta for the hospitality, the teachers F. Filippelli, S. Greco, D. Marino, G. Rosati, F. Fuoco, A. Grisaro, ST Lombardi, the school collaborator G. Graziano and all the components (students) of the adult course.


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