D’Ambrosio disqualified for two rounds, Inter are not there and will appeal: the motivation

The incidents that occurred in Inter-Juventus they don’t stop arguing. As reported by Gazzetta.it, the Nerazzurri have decided to appeal against the two-match ban imposed by the Sports Judge on Danilo D’Ambrose, sent off after the final whistle following an altercation with Leandro Paredes. According to the Nerazzurri club, the disparity in treatment compared to the Argentine is evident, who only got one day off against the two for the Nerazzurri.

D’Ambrosio had put his hands around the black and white’s neck who in the meantime was pulling at his left ear. “In the device of the Sports Judge (and therefore in the match director’s report), however, this last infraction is not noted. Although it is visible in various photos. And despite the Padova whistle tries to get in the way by removing the arm with which the champion of the world pulls the opponent’s ear”, explains the rosea. Inter through its lawyer Angelo Capellini aims to reduce the days off from two to one by requesting the same treatment reserved for Paredes, i.e. one shift and a 10,000 euro fine. If the appeal is accepted, D’Ambrosio will be available to Inzaghi for the away match in Salerno on Friday 7 April.


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