Credem Banca protagonist at the Volleyball Final Four with a fan engagement activity signed by Dentsu Sports – Sport Marketing News

On the occasion of the Men’s Volleyball Italian Cup Final Four which took place on 25 and 26 February in the Palazzo dello Sport in Rome, We believe the Bank relied on Dentsu Sports to carry out a fan engagement activity involving the over 20,000 spectators who attended the event during the entire event.

Within the reserved area Credem Banca, Main Sponsor of the Serie A Men’s Volleyball League Championship and Partner of Dal Monte Coppa Italia, the dentsu group solution dedicated to sports marketing and managed in Italy by Francis Aliviahas conceived and created a “Fast&Fun” game installation which, through a series of touch sensors (the BlazePods) allowed the participants to train their reflexes and reactivity, challenging each other and having fun during the breaks in the final, just like their favorite players do.

The game was led by an exceptional referee, the entertainer Patrick Longopresenter who had already collaborated with Credem in the previous editions of the Final Four who entertained the many fans who flocked to win the fantastic prizes up for grabs, including the Mikasa ball.

The initiative created by Dentsu Sports also included numerous activities to enhance the promotional campaign “Together Let’s Go to Thousands” dedicated to all those who will open a Credem account until 30 June. P

Launched on the Italian market last November, Dentsu Sports is the dentsu solution dedicated to sports marketing that integrates strategy, planning, content, creative development and multimedia amplification. Leveraging the expertise, tools, know-how and talents already present within the dentsu group.


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