Clásico FC Barcelona – Real Madrid

Act. a las 11:39


FC Barcelona has received official confirmation that the president of Real Madrid will not travel to the Spotify Camp Nou today

Joan Laporta had canceled the board meeting after the white club decided to appear in the ‘Negreira Case’

As SPORT has been able to confirm, the president of Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, will not be this Sunday night at the Spotify Camp Nou box to witness the classic between his team and FC Barcelona. This is how the newspaper ‘El Mundo’ has advanced it.

The Barcelona group has received official confirmation that Florentino will not travel to Barcelona. It is the response of the white president to the decision of the president of Barça, Joan Laporta, to annul the traditional lunch of directives prior to the game, a decision that Laporta made last Monday after announcing Real Madrid that he would appear as a private accusation in the case against FC Barcelona for the ‘Negreira Case’.

The decision of the president of Real Madrid has caused surprise at Barça, who were waiting for Florentino in the box, because although they acknowledge that relations between the two directives have cooled this week due to the ‘Negreira Case’, a cordial meeting between the two was expected. The two presidents are allies on issues such as the Super League or the war against the president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, and they will continue to be, but they have decided to stage that the relationship between the clubs is not going through its best moment.

Florentino Pérez has made the decision to stay in Madrid because he believes that he and his team will receive a very hostile reception from the Barça fans and they believe that it is not worth taking any risk. The white president does not want to add fuel to the fire.


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