Campobasso-Aurora Alto Casertano: two fronts for one goal

After the efforts of the Coppa Italia Dilettanti, it’s time for the championship for this Campobasso who is fighting on both fronts. Today the first of two difficult challenges, at the Stadium Romagna people where it hosts the Aurora Alto Casertano who, in the first leg, scored three sensational goals against the rossoblu team.

Thanks to the almost spring-like day, there is a good crowd in the Campobasso facility, with about 8/900 present between the grandstand and Curva Nord Michele Scorrano. The popular home sector in particular greets their eleven on the pitch by performing a very good choreography: 100 red flags flanked by as many blue flags, combined with the lighting of various smoke bombs of the same colors and the display of the banner “FIGHT AND WIN!”, simple show in its realization but very successful.

Another positive fact, in the area occupied by the organized groups there is a significant influx of people compared to previous outings, which will obviously also have positive repercussions on the vocal support during the ninety minutes of the race.

Classic singing lineup for the rossoblu ultras, the chants for the team are remarkable and constant, but we don’t forget the distrusted friends and the ultras movement in general with the classic “freedom for the ultras!”; the famous “Campobasso broken” is also followed by a large following, while, in the second half, they mostly focus on dry choruses and various claps.

In addition to the very good choreography, the color is also reinforced by a nice scarf made in the second half, as well as by the lighting of some smoke bombs; always in their place the nice two poles usually seen as well as the flags, today helped to stay up by the strong gusts of wind.

At the final whistle there is a celebration between the team and the Campobasso fans, who win three important points in terms of the championship, with the Curva chants continuing up to 15 minutes after the final whistle.

Nothing to report with regard to the away fans, a sector dedicated to them sadly empty, if it weren’t for the presence of a solitary steward who quietly enjoys the game.

Francesco Passarelli


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