Bruno Betancor, the youth player Alfredo Arias opted for, had his official debut

His first time

Peñarol: Bruno Betancor, the youth player Alfredo Arias opted for, had his official debut

The 19-year-old striker, who has played eleven games in the Mirasol youth squad, came on after 68 minutes in the defeat against Liverpool.

25.03.2023 17:58

Reading: 2′



FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

Peñarol faced Liverpool for the eighth date of the Apertura Tournament, which ended with a 1-0 victory for Negriazul, without Matías Arezo, for being with the Uruguayan team, and without Abel Hernández, who is injured and has been absent for the last matches.

Because of that, coach Alfredo Arias decided to resort to training to complete the lead. In addition to the youthful Óscar Cruz, who started as the starter, Diego Rolan, who entered at halftime, and Bruno Betancor, the name that most attracted attention, said present.

“Pelé” or “Bola”, as he is known, entered 68 minutes into the second half after Liverpool took the lead and saw the yellow card at 85′. This marked the debut of the 19-year-old forward who is 1.89 tall, who came to the Mirasol club in 2022 from Fénix to play in the under-19 category.

He also played in the Third Division, where he scored the two goals that he has in the training sessions (11 games), one of them being in the last game against River Plate. Two weeks ago he began training with the main squad and signed his first professional contract, until 2025, this Friday.

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy


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