Brian Riemer’s huge pride after Anderlecht performance

Brian Riemer’s huge pride after Anderlecht performance

We have already seen Brian Riemer smiling this season. But also proud after a performance, it was a first.

Brian Riemer shone in the press room while at his side, his counterpart Miron Muslic multiplied the compliments to his team. The Cercle coach had obviously been impressed by Anderlecht. “It’s unexpected that we suffer like this,” conceded the Bosnian. “I’m not too disappointed with this defeat, because the opponent deserves his victory”.

The Dane was going to deliver a nuanced analysis, but without being able to hide his pride. “We knew we would have to work hard against the team that puts the most intensity in our league,” said Riemer.

Those occasions were meant to be at the bottom, but at last we got the chance we needed

“To win against them, you have to do everything perfectly. Especially after losing energy in Europe during the week,” he added. The RSCA, however, did not do everything perfectly: when it came to concluding, the Mauves lacked efficiency.

“The first half is almost perfect…but we have to score those chances,” admitted Brian Riemer. “Some are not small chances, they are really huge opportunities. And that can change everything in a match, because the Circle also passes close to a goal”.

On a defensive approximation (and a heavy strike from Daland), the Cercle almost equalized via Kevin Denkey, who hit the post. “We should have been safe from this kind of scare. But for a long time, we lacked the luck that came with rewarding our good performances. Finally, my guys were rewarded this time, we were a little lucky,” concludes the Sporting coach.


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