beat Jacobs in the 60m final

There’s a gold sprinter dressed in blue in Europe, but this time it’s not Marcell Jacobs: it’s Samuel Ceccarelli who had already beaten the great Marcell in Ancona at the Italian Championships and who again forced him to silver on the gray lane of the Atakoy Arena in Istanbul, European Indoor Athletics Championships. The Italy of sport has confirmed itself as the land of the “Occupy Podium” and in the most prestigious competition frl the most prestigious and natural of sports, the test of the speed of athletics.


Why Samuele Ceccarelli won the 60 metres which, like the 100 en plein air, are the childhood dream of every future champion. He can’t say that “I.. boh”, the best freshman, who ran the final in 6:48, two hours after winning his semifinalke in 6:47, the best time of all and of the whole season. He is 22 years old, he is from Massa Carrara, therefore he knows of marble, he studies as a lawyer and when he was younger he had a passion for karate, a sport in which he is a black belt. He was born sporty: his maternal grandfather, Gastone Giacinti, was a footballer in Foggia, he played goalkeeper in the promotion to Serie A in ’73.


He also had a few lines of fever: he took Aspirin, he placed himself on the blocks, he took off both in the semi and in the final from a human missile. On the first occasion he scared the Englishman Prescod, so far season leader who never recovered for the final, in which the man who held off was his occasional captain, Marcell Jacobs, outgoing and outgoing champion, “but at least the gold remained at home” he commented philosophically and also welcomed Samuele and the relay to the club which, gold in Tokyo, “with this new entry will be even stronger ”. More than Olympic gold to defend in Paris 2024? Jacobs finished his final in 6:50 which is his seasonal best. As for the English, the “rosiconi” for ever, let them review this other time.


For the 101st Italian medal in the history of the event, there was no waiting for those two: Daryia Derckach thought about it a little earlier, almost thirty years old born in Ukraine, 200 kilometers from Kiev but raised from an early age in Pagani, province of Salerno, therefore another representative of this Global Italy that is co-conquering slopes and hearts. She made a triple silver jump, measuring 14.20 meters and giving us the 101st medal.

Full results and schedule on site


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