Bastian Schweinsteiger and Ana Ivanovic are looking forward to their third child together

Ivanovic shows baby bump

Gamers desperate for Schweinsteiger’s name – now the world champion is reacting

Fabian Schätzke

Bastian Schweinsteiger and Ana Ivanovic are considered the sporting dream couple. On Instagram, the two announce happy news.

Bastian Schweinsteiger and Ana Ivanovic are expecting their third child. The ex-tennis player first showed off her baby bump on Instagram.

The couple has been married since 2016 and already has two sons together. In February, the former French Open winner and the Champions League winner announced that they were expecting children again.

Ivanovic finally made it official on her Instagram account and poses with her baby bump: “Grateful,” she writes under her post.

“I hope it will be a girl this time”

In the comments, the couple receives numerous congratulations:

“I hope it’s a girl this time,” wrote one Instagram user. Another user commented under the post: “Pregnancy suits you so well.”

However, the sports dream couple has not yet announced their gender. Maybe the family themselves don’t know for sure. The child is due to be born in the spring.


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