Basketball. Pallacanestro Vado, away shot: overcoming Ardita 55-66 –

ARDITA JUVENTUS – VADO BASKETBALL 55 – 66 (10-9; 26-27; 44-49)

BOLD: Lots (chap.) 2; ridge 10; Micali 9; Franconians; Mancini M. 3; Borghini; Jug 10; Dallorso 11; Manicini P.; Carbonari 4; Callus 2; Demarte 4. All. Church Ass. Jacob.

I GO: Bertolotti 4; Josovic 19; Stankovic; Morando 8; Migone 8; Tridondani (cap.) 4; Ask 5; Seraphim; Vujic 6; Horse rider 12. All. Saltarelli Ass. La Rocca and Roganovic.

Second consecutive championship victory Serie C Silver for the Basketball I go following a difficult match and a not so brilliant performance, they beat the away team 55-66Ardita Juventus.

At the start of the game, two lids are metaphorically placed on the baskets: it takes 3 minutes before the two teams decide to remove them. Not that the offensive game then takes off, in fact it scores with a dropper and the first set ends on 10-9 for the hosts.

In the second period, the hands begin to warm up, with the vadesi who find several trips to the line, while in defense they suffer too much from nervosi’s penetrations. At the end of the quarter a blaze from Josovic allows the guests to go to the locker room with the slightest advantage.

Upon returning to the field, the red and white try to escape for the first time, but the purple and white respond blow by blow: Migone tries to give the decisive shoulder to the match, but a series of naive fouls earns Ardita several free throws; thus we go to the last period with Vado above 5.

In the last part the Parrots manage to close better in defense and find various transitions, the game becomes a bit nervous, but despite a few mistakes too many, turnovers and low percentages from the line, Vado takes home two precious points.

Coach Marco Saltarelli’s comment after the match:We knew it was going to be a difficult match, the team wasn’t physically at its best for this match. Ardita put us in great difficulty for long stretches; we were never able to give the final push to the match but we were more lucid than the Genoese team in the final, finding some baskets in the decisive minutes. Now head to Loano, it will be another very complicated match“.


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