Baseball, challenge between the blind for solidarity

When sport joins solidarity, then it really wins. AND’ the second “Blind date” is coming, the event organized by Lions for pets and by Baseball softball club with the charitable purpose of donating guide dogs to the blind. The initiative, presented this morning, 17 March, at Palazzo Nodari, will be held on Sunday 19 March at the sports facilities in via Vittorio Veneto in Rovigo.

The event, which will begin at 10.30 and end at 16, includes various moments, from the demonstration organized by the Lions guide dog center of Limbiate in the morning, passing through the buffet at 12.30 organized by the boys of Osteria della Gioia and arriving at 13.30 at highlight: the baseball match that will involve the blind teams of Rovigo and Milan.

To introduce the presentation of the events, Lucio Taschin, delegate of Coni of Rovigo, proud of this beautiful initiative that combines sport with sensitivity for the visually impaired. “Always – comments Luigi Marangoni, coordinator of the district 108 Lions Club – Lions are called the knights of sight: it was one of our first missions to help those who cannot see. This is why this attention to the dog is important for us, man’s partner who can help so many who need it. This itinerary will also be joined by the evening of 31 March at the Pala Geox in Padua with the exhibition of the Nomads: the proceeds will go to the driving school for the blind”.

“My motto – says Alberto Faccioli, president of Lions for pets Rovigo – has become: a hand and a paw to help someone”. Alessandro Boniolo, president of the Baseball Softball club in Rovigo congratulated the initiative. Councilor Mattia Milan also brought his greetings. “A game to be seen – concludes Taschin – which seems like a play on words, but it is not because these athletes move with sound mechanisms. It will be a special moment.”


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