Barça takes measures against three violent partners

Act. a las 21:59


Three partners have been placed under precautionary measures for violent behavior in recent matches

The Club wants to make it clear that it will not tolerate aggressive behavior in its facilities

The FC Barcelona Disciplinary Committee, which met on Tuesday, March 14, has decided to take precautionary measures against three partners who have shown violent behavior in different situations. Temporarily, these members will not be able to access the Camp Wenor to any other installation of the Club until the commission takes a final decision.

These precautionary measures are due to previous attacks that occurred in the last matches at the stadium, such as an attack on a television operator in the match against Valenciaan attempted assault on staff of the Club the day of the visit Manchester United and a provocation of altercations, in a drunken state and hiding a bottle of beer. As a consequence, they will not be able to attend the match that faces the Classic of this Sunday.

He FC Barcelona wants to make it clear that it is committed to the fight against violence and this decision is an example of this, demonstrating that it does not admit aggressive behavior in its facilities and that these acts have consequences for offending members and fans.


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