Asensio and his challenging message to Barcelona

the future of Marco Asensio, whose contract ends on June 30 and has not yet been renewed, is unknown. However, in this Sunday’s duel against Barcelona The option that once seemed possible that the Spaniard would one day wear the culé shirt could have been ruled out.

And all because, in the celebration of his goal, which was ultimately disallowed, he went directly to the stands and, with a very serious face, showed them the team’s shield. Real Madrid putting itself at the height of other challenging celebrations that have occurred in the history of the classics.

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In this way, the player demonstrated his conviction to be part of the Real Madrid and it made the possibility of ever playing in the game very difficult. Barcelona.

A message for the club

Beyond that, once again, Asensio He showed again that he wants to continue being important in the Real Madrid and he demonstrated it with a goal that, despite not being worth it, confirmed that he is a good boost, even a firm option for the future for the Madrid attack.

Something that, for the moment, is not so clear in the white team and that is why they are not offered a firm renewal offer. It will be necessary to see if in this parón of selections some things are solved.


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