an increasingly worrisome problem

  • This March 4 is World Obesity Day, a problem that affects more people every year

  • It is estimated that in 12 years 37 percent of the Spanish population will be overweight or obese

  • Childhood obesity is of particular concern.

This March 4 is World Obesity Day, a problem that affects more people every year. It is estimated that in 12 years the 37 percent of the population Spanish will be overweight or obesity if that trend does not change. Childhood obesity and increasingly worse habits when sitting at the table are of particular concern.

The European Region of the World Health Organization (OMS) has published a report warning that one in three minors who live in europe are overweight and obese especially children.

One in three children in Europe is overweight

To reach this conclusion, published on the occasion of World Obesity Day, the United Nations body has carried out a analysisbetween 2018 and 2020, of some 411,000 children from 33 European countries.

So, the OMS ha checked that he 29 percent of children from 7 to 9 years lived with overweight and that the prevalence among boys was higher, standing at 31 percent, while among girls it is 28 percent. Likewise, the older the age, the higher the prevalence of obesity.

Only Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain have seen reduced the percentage of minors con obesity y overweight since 2010, although the WHO has warned that the prevalence of these diseases in these countries “continues to be high”.


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