All England and the Lighter Dawn/Rian Leg Swing


The Son of the Strong Dream Gem | CNN Indonesia

Wednesday, 22 Mar 2023 18:05 WIB

Fajar/Rian managed to win the All England this year. (doc. PBSI)

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

Dawn Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto walk with a load. Now after the title All England hand, their steps became slightly lighter compared to before.

The burden of being world number one is in another dimension compared to other rankings. Even when compared to the world’s number two player, the burden of the world’s number one player is far above it.

The attribution of the world’s number one player will stick and be mentioned more often than calls referring to the world’s number two player. As the world’s number one player, every step they are required to always be perfect.

Defeat is not just disappointment, but can take the form of continuous suffering and burden. This situation has accompanied Fajar/Rian’s foot swing since they were named the world’s number one men’s doubles.

Shortly after Fajar/Rian rose to the world number one position, the burden that accompanied their footsteps began to be felt. Fajar/Rian’s suitability as the world’s number one men’s doubles is questionable.

Fajar/Rian doesn’t have many titles yet, they haven’t even won a Super 1000 level tournament. The questions kept flowing, ignoring the obvious answer that in terms of Fajar/Rian was the player with the most points won in the past one year.

Under relatively heavy pressure, Fajar/Rian continues to try to provide accurate responses. At the beginning of the year, the Malaysia Open, which had Super 1000 status, was won by Fajar/Rian.

The victory was like a straightforward answer from Fajar/Rian, but then questions about decency resurfaced when Fajar/Rian failed to win in India and Indonesia.

When the All England finally came, Fajar/Rian was also there to answer the challenge. As the first seed, Fajar/Rian’s draw was not fun.

Fajar/Rian faced Kang Min Hyuk/Seo Seung Jae in the first round. Even though they are not included in the seeded list, Kang/Seo are included in doubles that have above average potential and can be a hassle for opponents.

The pressure as the world’s number one doubles player was clearly seen in the way Fajar/Rian played in the first match. They were more under pressure throughout the game.

However, Fajar/Rian are also increasingly able to show their mental and technical qualities as the world’s number one players. Fajar/Rian were able to win even though they were under more pressure.

When the first half passed, Fajar/Rian looked more confident. Even though the scores were somewhat tight in the next few matches, Fajar/Rian were able to win the next four matches to become champions by winning two straight games.

Fajar/Rian managed to win the All England 2023!

Read the continuation of this news on the following page >>>

The meaning of the All England Champion for Fajar/Rian



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