Alba Berlin wins against Bayern Munich

Dhe basketball players from Alba Berlin have won their third game in a month against FC Bayern Munich. After the bankruptcies in the cup and in the Bundesliga, the Berliners were able to win the Euroleague duel with their permanent rivals after a hard fight 76:75 (38:37).

For the team coached by Israel Gonzalez, it was the first win in the seventh premier class duel with Bayern. Alba also left the last place in the table. The best Berlin throwers were Maodo Lo with 16 and Yanni Wetzell with eleven points.

Defense battle instead of offensive spectacle

Anyone who had expected an offensive spectacle from the start was quickly sobered. Because both teams initially outdid each other with misses. Especially the distance throws didn’t want to fall. The defensive lines determined this game. The Berliners, who had to do without the injured Johannes Thiemann (knee) and Yovel Zoosman (shoulder), acted very attentively and were able to stop Bayern again and again.

So Alba was mostly ahead in the first half. At the beginning of the second quarter it had grown to eight points (22:14). They were able to hold this lead for a few minutes, but at the end of the first half the capitals also missed too many throws. Bayern took advantage of this and came back to a point by half-time.

After the change of sides, the hosts came into play better offensively. After almost 25 minutes, Alba was behind again after a long time (46:47). But they showed morale and kept going. The lead switched back and forth in the final quarter. Now it was a thriller. The decision was made 1.3 seconds before the end when Wetzell put the ball in the basket. National player Andreas Obst missed Bayern’s last shot.


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