a woman in a thong, tips of more than 50 thousand dollars…

En the early hours of Saturday March 4, hours after his team was defeated in a match played in Denver, Morant broadcast a direct on his personal Instagram accountwith more than eight million followers, during which it was seen the player holding with his left hand what, apparently, was a firearm.

But this does not end here. Now, images of Ja at the nightclub where he appeared with the gun have been leaked. Morant is shown with a stripper on his lap at the same Denver-area venue where he spent $50,000 in tipsand showed a weapon 48 hours later, according to shocking photos obtained and published this Saturday by The New York Post citing internal sources.

These compromising photographs have been published this Saturday. In them you can see the popular Grizzlies player in a room full of moneycon a thong-clad woman sitting on top of him. Let’s remember that Morant has a girlfriend and a daughter.

The ‘Morant case’: testing the NBA system

This says the owner of Shotgun Willie’swhere he says Ja Morant spent more than $50,000 in tips a few weeks ago:

This boy, very young, was exceptionally respectful, sweet and did not drink… He is wonderful“. An anecdotal statement, taking into account what happened.

In the end, and the NBA itself promotes it, gamers are not just gamers. And as such, they are expected to manage, from responsibility, their position. It is clear that it is not easy, to the point that the Morant case can test the very strength of the system.


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