A video with an ugly gesture towards the partner of his partner De Jong goes viral

Social networks have viralized a video from a few years ago in which a clash between Gerard Piqué y The Young with the Dutchman’s partner as the protagonist.

The video takes place during the inauguration of the Johan Cruyff Stadiumin August 2019, which was attended by several players from the Barça first team.

Frankie Young he went with his partner Mikky Kiemeney and they asked Gerard Piqué to move from his seat to be able to sit together, to which the then Barça defender refused, making visible fuss.

In recent days, several accounts of Twitter y OnlyTok They have rescued that moment to criticize Piqué’s attitude in the context of the conflict that the former footballer has with his ex-wife Shakira and call it, among other things, impolite.


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