70 judokas celebrate Women’s Day

70 women walked on the tatami mats in the gymnasium.

For this Women’s Day before the hour, Saturday, the Mahita Beby judo school had launched the invitation. Emmanuelle Amans, president of the Hérault de judo committee, wanted to promote disciplines such as judo, ju-jitsu, taïso and kiodo which saw the number of their practitioners, after Covid, had seen its practitioners reduced drop markedly.

A day like this makes it possible to promote these disciplines regardless of the age of the practitioners (5 years for the youngest on this day). President Emmanuelle Amans had moved some of her trainers to animate this day. Régis Manibal noted the presence of 46% of women and highlighted self-defense.

In the morning, the sessions were devoted to the physical under the direction of Lucie Saidoun, Régis Manibal and of course the double world champion of ju-jitsu, Estelle Gaspard. This young athlete who started judo at 5 and ju-jitsu at 10 has put her technique and charisma at the service of everyone, in a friendly atmosphere. In the afternoon, the movement technique was privileged, always with Estelle and Régis and Guillaume Alberti. All committee staff were present.

Those present were able to admire the success of the Gaspard family, originally from Carcassonne, with Estelle, therefore, current French champion, her sister Camille, second behind her sister in the same category and her brother Alban, French cadet champion. Great family success.

Estelle is currently preparing for the Combats Games which will take place in Saudi Arabia, as ju-jitsu is not represented at the Olympics.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 30 37 62 20.


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