your neighbor has hacked your appliances, plays music and threatens you

  • “I’m going to kill you” or “I’m going to throw acid in your son’s face” are some of the warnings from this troublesome neighbor

Carlos de la Parra is living a real hell. Both he and his family are being threatened by his neighbor through his appliances. One of his neighbors has hacked into the electronics in his house and causes the lights to go out or the music to start playing at full volume. In addition, they are receiving strong threats: “I’m going to throw acid in your son’s face” or “I’m going to kill you”, are some of them.

The thing started with the bluetoot speakersh. She looked like a child. They played us music, insistently. It seemed like a joke from a fifteen-year-old who connects with bluetooth. We went from playing music to insults, threats, towards me and my son who is a minor, ”she says.

I put the speakers away and they went mobile. We have them totally committed. Through mobile phones with Google translate, which is the voice of Siri, they threaten us and well. The star attack is that they turn off the light. In addition to having all the switches mapped, the light box is continuously triggered by us”, explains Carlos.

This has been going on since July. It is very strange that our electrical appliances are manipulated because they are not home automation ”, he makes it clear.


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