Women’s Basketball Super League will be completed as ‘Nilay Aydoğan Season’, who lost her life in the earthquake – Sports

TBF announced that the remaining part of the 2022-2023 season in the Women’s Basketball Super League was named after the national basketball player Nilay Aydoğan, who lost his life in the earthquakes in the Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaraş. In the statement made by the TBF, “As a result of the decision taken by the Board of Directors of the Turkish Basketball Federation, it has been decided that the remaining weeks in the ING Women’s Basketball Super League will be played as the ‘2022-2023 Nilay Aydoğan Season’. We wish God’s mercy on Nilay Aydoğan, who won the admiration of everyone with her struggle and stance, and our condolences to her family and fans.


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