Winter swimmers battle the Oujiang River_Zhejiang Online

Winter swimmers beat the waves in the Oujiang River

2023-02-07 15:45:40

Source: Tribune

Reporter Chen Suqin

On February 4th, the 41st “Welcome to the Lantern Festival” Spring Festival crossing Oujiang winter swimming event was held at Jiangxinyu Wharf, Wenzhou City. The winter swimming line started from Jiangxin Wharf to Jiangxinyu West Tower. 141 winter swimming enthusiasts from Wenzhou area Participate in activities.

Huang Zhongda, the “beautiful man” who once crossed the Qiongzhou Strait, also came to the scene: “I started winter swimming in 2008, and the first time I crossed the Oujiang River under the leadership of the teacher.” As the president of the Changyou Club, Huang Zhongda and his teammates Come together and say that the annual crossing of the Oujiang River means a lot to them. In the early years, they “forcibly crossed” the Oujiang River, and they would go back with the first and second. In the past few years, everyone has gone from “forced crossing” to swimming. “The name of our club is Changyou. We just want to swim often. After all, exercising is for good health. In addition to winter swimming, we used to row dragon boats, climb mountains and play badminton.”

“I have participated in crossing the Oujiang River every Spring Festival (the first day of the first lunar month) since 1990. It has never stopped for 33 years.” Hong Laishan, as a “frequent visitor” of the track, is the most “speaker” right”. At the age of 59, he started winter swimming in 1988 and has persisted until now. “Swimming makes me energetic in work and life. If I don’t swim for a day, it’s like I haven’t done an important thing.”

Over the years, the hairy boy at that time has become a middle-aged man, but this “spring crossing” activity has not seen “aging” and has never stopped every year. It has attracted more and more winter swimming enthusiasts to participate, and even Surrounding areas also attracted groups to participate. Crossing the Oujiang River during the Spring Festival has gradually evolved into one of the most exciting traditional events during the Spring Festival in Wenzhou, and has forged a mass sports brand with a long history in Wenzhou.

Label:Winter swimming; Wenzhou; traditional events
edit: Bi Zhen

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