“We tried to score goals from the first to the 94th,” said the Lens coach after the victory against Nantes

RC Lens won this Sunday during the 24th day of Ligue 1 against FC Nantes with a score of 3 goals to 1. Franck Haise, the coach of the Sang et Or, praised the performance of his players on franceinfo in the info club which allows the Lensois to relaunch in the fight for the podium.

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We won “with efficiency”, is delighted this Sunday on franceinfo in the info club, Franck Haise, coach and manager of RC Lens, after the 3-1 victory against Nantes. This victory allows Lens to relaunch in the fight for the podium.

In our style, “what we like is a forward-facing game, with a structured game”he added. “We are always looking to score goals. Today we tried to score goals from the first minute to the 94th minute, we only scored 3, we could have scored more, we created a lot of chances , it’s football that I love”savors the one who has given color to the Blood and Gold after difficult years.

For Frank Haise, “the ambitions are to continue doing what we are doing. We are a club which has known great times and which has known more than a very difficult decade, we have been rebuilding since the return to Ligue 1 for less than three years”he continued.

“We are ambitious, but it is our game and our performances that allow us to be so”

“We’re going step by step, we’re moving forward and we’re getting structured, we’re growing. Ambitions are just due to our performance. We have no ambition other than to continue to perform. We’re ambitious, but it’s is our game and our performances that allow us to be“, admits the Lensois technician.

“We try to resemble as much as possible the people who come to encourage us at the weekend, we are 18 or 19 sold out in a row, there are as many subscribers to the stadium as inhabitants in the city of Lens, the RC Lens is eagerly awaited, very supported, we try to give the best of ourselves”concludes Franck Haise.


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