“We are united by the conviction that Argentina must be definitively changed” POLITICS El Intransigente

The electoral campaigns for the October presidential elections have already begun. Within Together for Change There are several pre-candidates among which stand out Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Patricia Bullrich, Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Gerardo Morales, among others. However, everyone is waiting for the decision he will make Mauricio Macriformer president of the Nation.

The founder of PRO You must define whether or not you will be a candidate and, based on this, the rest of the candidates in your space will be defined. Meanwhile, the leader meets with the main referents of his party to see how they arrive at the elections and what his aspirations are for the future of the country, a central issue that he discussed today with the head of the Buenos Aires government.

Mauricio Macri met with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in Lobster Villa and the head of the Buenos Aires Government published it on social networks. “We share values ​​and the goal of improving people’s lives. We are united by the conviction that Argentina must be definitively changed and the responsibility to carry that change forward, “said the candidate along with a photo of the two.

“In addition, we are certain that the time to do it is now, with a serious and sustained plan over time. They are 20 years working togetherexchanging ideas and building a shared vision of the direction our country has to follow”, completed the Buenos Aires official in the same thread on the social network Twitter, where he makes his most important announcements.

Mauricio Macri is the center of PRO

In any case, this does not reflect an inclination on the part of the former president because last week he also met with Patricia Bullrich, who also shared a photo of the moment on the same social network. «Thank you Mauricio Macri and Juliana for receiving us these days. I appreciate the warmth and clarity of ideas. We are going to put Argentina on the right path. We are the change or we are nothing“, wrote.


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