Vendée Globe: “We want to find a solution to see Clarisse Crémer”, says the French sailing federation

The controversy is not running out of steam following the decision taken by Banque Populaire to dismiss Clarisse Crémer, back from maternity, for the next edition of the Vendée Globe to be held in 2024. After many figures of French sport, c It’s the turn of the French Federation to take a stand on Monday and try to find a solution by publishing a long press release, in which it recalls the importance of gender equality in the discipline.

“I understand Clarisse Crémer’s anger and disappointment. I therefore immediately contacted the various parties to find a solution in the image of the values ​​that we all defend and to ensure that Clarisse is on the starting line of the Vendée Globe 2024, explains Jean-Luc Dénéchau, the president of the FFV. The federation has been engaged for several years in a program to feminize our sport and, in this context, it is particularly committed to ensuring that its high-level sportswomen can reconcile motherhood and a sporting career. »

The sponsor is trying to bring the sailor back

The Federation also recalls that two of the three medals at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo were obtained by women with bronze in 470 (Camille Lecointre and Aloïse Retornaz) and silver in RS: X (Charline Picon). “The will and the determination of these great champions, members of the French team, accompanied by a framework and a staff that fully takes into account their desire for motherhood through an adapted and personalized program is, as we can see, totally compatible with very high performance, continues Jean-Luc Dénéchau. What is possible in Olympic sailing with our top-level sportswomen must be possible with the Offshore Racing sportswomen engaged in the various Teams. »

This weekend, in the midst of a media storm, Nicolas Namias, Chairman of the BPCE Management Board for a few weeks, took the file in hand. He didn’t appreciate the fact that a young mother was pushed to the sidelines and that the navigator had to put up with some derogatory remarks from Lorient. Negotiations are taking place so that a quick solution can be found so that a Vendée Globe project can be put together around… Clarisse Crémer. The sponsor, who probably hadn’t imagined such a shock wave, now intends to convince the sailor to come back, with the big boss as negotiator. Marked and angry, Clarisse Crémer should allow time for reflection.


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