“These weeks, this year, have been really overwhelming”

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Act. a las 08:00


Pau Gasol You are living one of the most special stages of your life cWith tributes to his career such as the withdrawal of his jersey by the Lakers and his entry into the Basketball Hall of Fame -he is already a finalist-. In addition, this Friday he won as “honorary coach” the “Jordan Rising Stars” of the All-Star.

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“These weeks, this year, have been really overwhelming. It’s hard to take in so many special things,” she said.

“In my life also with the birth of our son a few months ago. Very beautiful things and, above all, I want to share them and convey that they are thanks to a lot of people,” he added.

At the helm of Team Pau, the Spaniard conquered from the benches this All-Star tournament pitting rookies, sophomores and G-League juniors against each other and that ended with MVP for the Puerto Rican José Alvarado.

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“It’s been fun, really fun. Being with the young guys who come into the league. I am proud of them”, pointed out the Spaniard.

Apart from this anecdotal participation in the All-Star, on March 7, the great day of the withdrawal of his number in the Lakers, is getting closer.

“It’s hard to process. It is something that is just around the corner now, we started talking months ago and now it is very close. It’s a great honor, it’s going to be very emotional, very exciting, super special… To see my name and my number together with so many incredible legends of our sport. Especially for Kobe, for that eight and twenty-four,” he explained.

And it is that it is impossible to understand Gasol’s career and successes in the NBA without the figure of Kobe Bryant, who is still very present.

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“Every step I take he is in my thoughts. So is Gigi. And they will be there forever. I grew as a player, I played at the highest level thanks to him, also because of the ‘staff’ and my teammates. And I did my part. But his leadership, his example, his way of reaching out to others is really what raised my game, made me a better player and won two championships,” he said.

“My name and number wouldn’t go up there if I hadn’t won those two rings, and we wouldn’t have won those titles without Kobe Bryant (…). Her family is my family, and we carry on thinking that she’s watching us and she’s definitely a part of these moments,” she said.

Gasol, who this Friday was also named a finalist to enter the Basketball Hall of Fame, He wants to take advantage of the attention it arouses to help social causes.

“I am very grateful and I want that to be translated into things that go much further than these recognitions, which are amazing, they are incredible. I always try to go one more round and that translates into things that contribute to othersto the most disadvantaged, which translates into a social and common impact”, he stated.

Regarding the All-Star, in which he played six times, Gasol highlighted the increasing participation of international players.

“The essence of the All-Star game is the best players wherever they are from. And seeing the number of internationals, which increases or maintains a good number, is already a source of pride and a reflection of the growth of the sport internationally. This concept of the United States against the rest of the world doesn’t really go with the essence,” he opined.

“That’s what international competitions are for, to play with your country against the favorites and go for it and fight for it. The All-Star Game is the game of the best players in the NBA and a basketball party”, closed.


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