The tender reason of a ‘First Dates’ bachelor for wanting to repeat the date: “That’s very nice”

Irene She is a very creative girl who has studied Fine arts and now she is learning jewelry. TO Elsa Duck you liked your earrings “I had to come corporate.” In love, she bets on open relationships and she is bisexual, but her form of comfort is boys.

Borjayour appointment in ‘First Dates’, is a boy who spends all his time painting and drawing. When seeing Irene, he has been clear that the physical is something secondary, but he has liked what she saw. She wanted to know where she was from and he told her that she is from Bilbao and they met when he told her that she was studying Fine Arts.

Irene and Borja during their date in ‘First Dates’

The bachelor really liked that his date was also an artist and he was interested in her earrings and her latest creations. Borja greatly admires people who can make their own art pieces and he liked everything Irene was telling him.

When talking about their hobbies, the two have agreed that they like summer more and making plans outdoors. Borgia he loves to go to the mountains without knowing where he is going and spend the whole day. Irene has confessed that she would like to be able to do something like that, but that she is afraid of losing herself and her cows. She imagines running into a cow and has to turn around.

Borja has told him that next to his uni there is cows and that one day he began to draw one, and that he tried to get closer to caress it and bit his hand. And it is that, one thing is to see a cow from afar and another is to have it in front of her.

Irene and Borja during their date in 'First Dates'

Irene and Borja during their date in ‘First Dates’

Irene has confessed to Borja that she was betting on the open relationships, they have never turned out well for her, but she feels that she is overwhelmed in a close relationship and does not want to meet a boy and marry him. Borja has never had any, but he believes that there is nothing wrong with trying other options.

At the time of the final decision, Borja was clear that he wanted to meet Irene again “The positive energy it radiates is super comforting. for one and being with you is to be happy, I imagine that the people around you you convey the possibility you have”. She has hallucinated with the beautiful words of her appointment and has proposed to meet again and go together to paint a cow in the field.


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