The spy in the platoon exposed: “It was fun to secretly collect stories” | cycling

The spy in the platoon steps out of the shadows. Which anonymous professional cyclist gave us information from the belly of the peloton for 3 years? Watch the exposure of our spy below.

What was it like being the Sporza spy for 3 years?

“Quite nice.”

“A little secretly listen to everything and see what happened in the peloton, that was fun.”

Did you receive messages on social media from people who exposed you?

“Sometimes it did.”

“Especially right after the publication of an article by the spy, I started getting messages from people who were 100 percent sure that I was the spy.”

Did you hesitate when you were asked to be the spy?

“No, I never doubted.”

“When they asked me to be the spy, I wasn’t 100 percent sure what that would entail.”

“But in hindsight it was very nice.”

What did you like most about being a spy?

“Sometimes people started talking to me about the spy article without realizing I was the spy.”

Was it difficult to stay in your role as a spy?

“Absolutely. Especially when riders come up to you and say, ‘We’ve put all the puzzle pieces together and you’re the spy.'”

“Then it is difficult to say that they are not right. But I have always been able to put a twist on that.”

“It never really panned out, I guess.”

Have you ever almost betrayed yourself?

“I do not think so.”

“There have been articles in which it was quite clear that I was the spy. But then we tried to make other riders suspicious in the next article.”

Which rider did you try to make suspicious?

“Certain readers thought Edward Theuns was the spy. We responded to that in our articles and put him in the picture.”

Why are you quitting as a spy?

“If you are no longer in the peloton yourself, it is difficult to see things that other people do not see.”

“My fellow riders sometimes dare to exaggerate. If I only had to rely on their stories, the articles would often be incorrect.”

Who can be the new spy?

“Someone who is not an outspoken leader. Otherwise he would be targeted too quickly. He can always call me for tips.”


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