The rising star of international judo trains in Cavagnolo

After the podium at the Italian Championship last year, Alessia Esposito dell’Unisport Cavagnolothanks to the points obtained in the Ranking List, she gained access to the European circuit and immediately tried it with the first European Cadet Cup held at PalaVesuvius in Naples on Saturday 11 February, in the presence of 23 nations and athletes also from Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia.

As a first-year Cadet, Esposito didn’t let herself be intimidated and won the first fight thanks to a tactical but well-administered fight. In the next round, Alessia surrendered to the top seed in the draw, but she was fished out and was thus able to restart her run towards the podium. The Unisport standard-bearer beat a French opponent, despite being down by two penalties until one minute from the end, managing to turn the situation around in the final seconds. In the second recovery match Alessia Esposito prevailed against a strong Croatian athlete thanks to a new tactical match, which showed the great lucidity of the young Piedmontese judoka. In the final for the bronze, with a very structured Cypriot athlete, Alessia, down a waza ari and a penalty, triumphed in the final with a choke that brought her to the prestigious international podium.

The young Unisport Cavagnolo judoka at the PalaVesuvio in Naples together with coach Alessandro Di Gianni

The match went beyond all wildest expectations, considering Alessia’s young age, the level of the competition and her absolute inexperience in the international arena. Great celebration and satisfaction at Unisport for the result achieved by a small club that is barely appearing on certain stages, in the hope of being able to continue like this.

These are the words of a radiant Alessia Esposito: “I’m super excited to have won the medal in freshman year Cadets. All the fights were hard until the end, I thank my teacher, my family and also my entire Unisport club, which has always supported and helped me“.

Furthermore, it should be noted that in Leinì rookies A and B competed in the Piedmont Cup. Keeping an eye on their cell phone to follow their training partner in Naples, the Unisport boys battled to conquer the podium in their respective categories. For Esordienti A, good proof of Robert Hartescu, first classified in the 66 kg. On the podium too Viola Lisantithird in the 36 kg, while Francis Esposito he finished in fifth place again in the weight category at the 36 kg limit. In Esordienti B, success in the 55 kg for Frederick DiGianniwhile in the 60 kg Lorenzo Rizzuto e Pasquale Romeo they finished second and third respectively. Highlights too Daniele Santorothird in the 50 kg, Gianluca e Massimo Sauchelli, runners-up respectively in the 81 and +81 kg. In the Top Five Sara Esposito e Michela Romeo nei 52 kg and Riccardo Morelli in the 46 kg, all classified in fifth place.

The Unisport group is there and trying to compete on several fronts. The boys commit themselves and are spurred on by the good performances of their older companions. Of course, there’s still a lot of work to do, but the path is the right one and it’s wonderful that the very involved little ones are positively encouraged by their more experienced classmates.


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