The racket does not rest even in carnival

Taking advantage of the fact that schoolchildren from the province did not have class yesterday because of carnival, Athlos organized the Entroido badminton tournament, an activity included in the Xogade. The competition was held in O Pompeo, where a total of 90 athletes from the following entities gathered: Miraflores School, Athlos, Paco Paz School, IES Otero Pedrayo, IES As Lagoas, IES Blanco Amor and Anpa Mende.

The tournament featured boys and girls aged between the pre-benjamin and cadet categories. The little ones took the opportunity to attend the competition dressed as their favorite heroes. As for the results, Leo Álvarez (Athlos) prevailed in the junior male category, while Yu Yao (Miraflores) did so in the female category.

In the male youngest, Hugo Blanco (Miraflores) won and in the female, Helena Vieira (Miraflores). Yago Sánchez (Athlos) and Leah Freire (Paco Pazo) won in the female junior category. Cristian Blanco (Miraflores) won in the male infant and Estela Fernández (Athlos) in the female infant. Finally, Jorge Pérez (Blanco Amor) and Ana Otero (Miraflores) won in cadet age.


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