The judokas from Alto Aragonese shone in Fuengirola, Montijo and Monzalbarba | Sports


The intense activity for the Alto Aragonese judokas continues this weekend in Fuengirola in the European Cadet Cup, in Montijo with the Spanish Super Cup and in Monzalbarba with the Junior Aragon Championship.

Binefar Judo Club

The Binéfar Judo Club attended the European Cadet Cup of Fuengirola with four representatives of the literano club and in which Raúl Arilla managed to overcome the first two rounds in the -81kg category, falling in third against his Italian opponent by the minimum of shidos. Sandro Plà in -66kg clearly dominated in his first fight until in the last seconds he decided in favor of the Canadian in a ground action.

For their part, Yesenia Padilla in -52kg and Sandra Naval in -63kg were finally unable to compete due to health problems, although they will all have the opportunity to train alongside other competitors, including not only many of the best European judokas, but of the world ranking in the Stage that lasted until next Wednesday.

Athletes from the Binéfar and Sobrarbe Judo Club in Fuengirola

On Sunday the Aragón Junior Championship took place, in which all the judokas of the Binéfar Judo Club managed to get on the podium, managing to win 3 gold medals Alba Sánchez in -63kg, Alba Cajal in -70kg and Román Vicente in -81kg, while Hugo Teres in -66kg was silver, thus qualifying to play the North Sector in Navarra on March 18 and 19, before the Spanish Junior Championship for which his partner Alejandra Pérez has a direct pass in -52kg when occupying the 1st position in the ranking of Spanish Cups

While the children traveled to Extremadura to play the Spanish Super Cup in Montijo, where they achieved 3 bronzes at the hands of Martina Aurin in -52kg who, after losing only to her Portuguese opponent in the second round, managed to overcome all her playoffs; like Sira Diallo in -57kg, who only lost to the Valencian who occupies the 2nd position in the Spanish Cup ranking, and the last bronze was obtained by Sogona Magassa in +63kg, losing only to the winner of her category.

Athletes from Sobrarbe and Tamarite in Montijo

For her part, her partner Daniela Terés, after losing in the second round against her Portuguese opponent, rose in the playoffs to reach 5th position and also Héctor Cardil in -60kg and Anna Sánchez in +63kg achieved meritorious seventh positions, without this On this occasion, luck was with her teammates Selena Padilla in -63kg, Sofia Cafferata in -57kg and Antonio Clager in -60kg despite having good fights.

For his part he Sobrarbe Athletic Club with his coach Eva Cuenca at the helm, he had the representation in Extremadura lands of Madalin Fluerica in -42kg who only yielded in the second round to the one who would finally be champion of his category, managing to overcome all his repechages until he won bronze and Emanuel Fluerica won traveled to Malaga to participate in the Stage of the Fuengirola European Cup

He too Club de Judo Tamarite was present in Extremadura, represented on this occasion by the first-year infant Pol Blanco in the -42kg category, who held a magnificent competition, surpassing the first two rounds

And last but not least, was the participation of Leo Gracia in -60kg representing the Judo Club of the Benasque Valley in the European competition in Fuengirola, in which he failed to overcome his French opponent despite putting up a magnificent fight

Athletes from the Huesca Judo Club in Montijo

Huesca Judo Club

In the children’s Super Cup of Spain “Villa de Montijo” in Extremadura, Jimena Martín won the gold medal after overcoming all her matches and reaching the final where she won with ease, thus managing to continue at the top of the national ranking in her category. Esther Galindo reached the quarterfinals where she could not overcome that round, she went to the playoffs where she won two bouts that made her reach the bronze, which she could not get and finally came fifth.

Enrique Pradel, who continues to consolidate himself in his category, after losing the first match, went to the play-off block where he managed to win several fights that led him to finish in seventh position. Martina González had two fights that she could not overcome, but where her great improvement could be seen. Sara Galindo did not have the same luck as her teammates since after losing the first match she was unable to play off.

Junior of the Huesca Judo Club in Monzalbarba

Next weekend the next appointment will be for children in the XVIII “Ciudad de Lugo” Trophy. The second appointment of the weekend took place on Sunday in the Aragón Junior Championship held in Monzalbarba. All the athletes managed to get on the podium, Laura González won gold in her category, while Julia Sánchez and Leonor Galindo got silver in their respective weights. After this performance we will have to wait for the next appointment for the juniors in the North Sector Spanish Championship.

The judokas also participated in the Fuengirola 2023 Cadet European Cup. Guillermo Gracia and Eduardo Miranda were seventh, demonstrating a high level and efficiency on the mat. Carlos Martín got fifth place after carrying out an impressive competition, managing to reach the semifinals. Candela Pérez fell in the first round due to shidos and was left with no chance of accessing the playoffs. A fantastic competition full of emotions and illusion for everything that these boys are capable of achieving.

Club Ibon

The Ibón judokas brought almost a dozen medals to Huesca. During the weekend, the Ibón children, cadets and juniors have participated in three different events Andalusia, Extremadura and Aragón have witnessed very important competitions for the Aragon teams and especially for the Ibón judokas.

Club Ibón children’s team

In Malaga, cadets from all over Europe met at the European Cup in Fuengirola, the first international competition for judokas from Ibón, Angie Guerrero, Clara Barrio, Martina Vives, Pau Vigueras, Jon García and David Marí, who led by Raúl Inhabitant moved to this Andalusian town to participate in said competition. Many fights and good feelings for a team that is now beginning its journey through Europe and this thanks to the support of Huesca La Magia, Huesca City Council, Podoactiva, Fisioespacio Huesca, Más que Hobby and Different.

At the same time, part of the Children’s team traveled to the Extremaduran town of Montijo, where the Supercopa de España Extremadura was held. The judokas Silvia Vives, Omar Lemos, Alberto Anoro, Martín Polo and Lucas Montes formed the group led by María Poblador. The results have been brilliant; Silvia Vives and Lucas Montes climbed to the top of the podium being gold in an impeccable competition, Martín overcame all his fights with great solvency, until the final when a mistake against the representative Castellano – Manchego left him without the gold having to settle with a silver that tastes little, but that is a great achievement in a competition of this level.

Club Ibón cadet team

Both Omar and Alberto had a great competition, Omar fell in the pass to the quarterfinals against the representative of Castilla la Mancha and this representative would also be in charge of eliminating Alberto Anoro in the pass to the final. Both competitors were fighting for the bronze but could not get it and they were left with a fifth place that also scores for the National ranking.

Closer to home, in Monzalbarba, the Ibón juniors participated in the Aragon Junior Championship, the first qualifying phase to be able to attend the final phase of the Spanish Championship. Lorien Jiménez and Alberto Roig in the -66kg category hung the gold and bronze respectively, for his part Daniel Nogarol (-73kg) also hung the gold as well as his partner Alba Vigüeras (-57kg) in the same category Nerea Jubero and Gaby Ortego were bronze, in the category of less than (81 kg) the silver was Javier D. García silver and Diego Calle bronze.

Club Ibón junior team

In total, the Ibón teams collect eleven medals, five golds, two silvers, four bronzes, two fifth places and many fights give great results for the athletes of the Club Ibón School.


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