the astonishing vote of Hugo Lloris for the best coach

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This Monday was the The Best FIFA trophy ceremony. A ceremony which notably saw Argentina win everything by taking the trophies for the best player, coach or goalkeeper. As a reminder, the players are elected with the vote of the captains and coaches of the different selections. This year, the captain of the Blues Hugo Lloris decided to surprise his world by voting for a coach far from being favorite.

The Tottenham goalkeeper has indeed placed Walid Regragui, Morocco coach who impressed at the last World Cup, as number 1. He then chose Scaloni and then his coach Didier Deschamps. For his part, the coach of the Blues voted for Scaloni, Walid Regragui in second position and Ancelotti to complete the podium. The Morocco coach was popular with the Blues.

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OM: Valentin Rongier talks about his future with the Blues

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