That ugly mess of the Via del Mare… the report cards of Lecce – Sassuolo

There are matches where you don’t find the crux of the matter even if you stay on the pitch for 180 minutes. So it was for Lecce – Sassuolo, challenge at the Via del Mare between two teams that are currently out of the swamp of the relegation zone but are very far from saying they are already safe. The report cards they tell of light-hearted, inaccurate, not very dangerous Giallorossi. Mister Dionisi’s Emilians collected the maximum score with minimum effort thanks to the Norwegian’s goal Thorstvedt halfway through the shoot. The light was off Strefezza and wet the powders of Ceesay who did not repeat the Bergamo marking. Even Falcone, always decisive between the posts, made many mistakes in the postponements. In short a Barons this time the donut didn’t succeed: Maleh didn’t reach the levels of Gonzalez and perhaps Di Francesco’s intelligence and verve were lacking in attack. In short, a game to be archived, better think about the next one. On 5 March, at 18.00, the Giallorossi will be guests of theInter by Inzaghi at the Meazza in Milan.

The report cards

Falcone: 6
Gendrey: 5,5
Bashkirot: 6
Stitch: 5,5
Gallo: 5,5
Angry: 5,5
from 73′ Gonzalez: sv

Wheelman: 6
Guess: 5,5
dall’ 80′ Askildsen: sv
Strefezza: 5.5
Ceesay: 5
from 46′ Colombo: 5
Banda: 5
dal 46′ Oudin: 5


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