Technical director Frank Vercauteren will not settle permanently in Belgium: “Family stays in Russia” | Red Devils

The portrait of Frank Vercauteren hangs in the “Hall of Fame” of the federation building in Tubize, but in his new position the technical director will also walk around in person.

Vercauteren was asked whether he would rather have been appointed national coach, so that he would still be on the grass.

“No, it was a difficult decision for me, but one that I had in mind for a long time,” said Vercauteren. “I must have been technical director after my first visit to Anderlecht.”

“It’s not like I won’t be standing on the grass anymore. To analyze Domenico’s work, I must do the same. Only the place and task are completely different.”

Vercauteren is convinced that he will form a good tandem with Tedesco, whose limits he will respect.

“The trainer is the trainer – I know my place very well. I will not do his job, but I will be there to help him in the shadows.”

Remarkable: Frank Vercauteren will not settle permanently in Belgium. He has lived in Moscow with his Russian wife and daughter for the past few years.

“My family will also stay in Russia,” he said. “They have a visa to come here until the summer and I can return until November. Then we will see what we do with it, but for now I will not return to Belgium permanently.”

“Of course I will be here a lot. The road to Russia is now a bit longer (due to the war situation, ed.), but my wife and I can see each other in Istanbul.”


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