State Selectives come to an end

Romario Eliud Ventura Ruiz

[email protected]

This weekend comes the final stretch of the state selective, with the competitions in eight disciplines the state qualifiers for the CONADE 2023 National Games will end. With the organization of the Potosino Institute of Physical Culture and Sport (inpode) in coordination with the associations of each of the scheduled sports.

The scheduled sports will be Racquetball, Boxing, Soccer, Handball, Baseball, Softball, Archery and Tae Kwon Do.


Racquetball takes place on the Cedetar courts with categories 8, 12, 16 and 18 years and under; Boxing at the Satellite Sports Unit with boxers from the categories 15 to 16 years old for men, as well as 17 to 18 years old for men and women from the municipalities of San Luis Potosí, Rioverde, Soledad, Ciudad Valles and Matehuala.


The Satellite Sports Unit will be the stage for the sport of boxing with male boxers aged 15 and 16 from San Luis Potosí, Rioverde, Soledad, Ciudad Valles and Matehuala.

In addition to 17 to 18 years in male and female San Luis Potosí, Rioverde, Soledad, Ciudad Valles and Matehuala.


Soccer will be played in the number one field of the “Adolfo López Mateos” Sports Unit in the women’s branch with the teams from San Luis Potosí, Tamazunchale and Cedral in the Under 15 Youth category as well as from San Luis Potosí, Rioverde, Ciudad Valles and Matehuala in Juvenil Mayor Sub 17.


The Handball eliminatory will take place on the CEDETAR Blue floor with the teams from San Luis Potosí, Xilitla and Cedral in the 15 to 16 year old female Cadet category; San Luis Potosí and Ciudad Valles in female youth 17 to 18 years; San Luis Potosí, Ciudad Valles and Cedral in women 19 to 21 years; Tamuín and Cedral in male cadets from 15 to 16 years old; San Luis Potosí and Ciudad Valles in youth for men from 17 to 18 years old, as well as San Luis Potosí and Ciudad Valles in men for ages 19 to 20.


Baseball will be played in the 13 to 14 years category between the teams of San Luis Potosí and Villa de la Paz in the Tangamanga Park while in the 15 to 16 years category San Luis Potosí and Villa de la Paz will face each other in the Stadium “November 20”.


Softball, softball will be staged in the fields of the “Adolfo López Mateos” Sports Unit, with the 15 to 16-year-old teams from San Luis Potosí and Matehuala in women’s; San Luis Potosí and Ciudad Valles in men; also San Luis Potosí and Matehuala in 17 to 19 years in female while in male San Luis Potosí and Ciudad Valles.



The discipline of Archery will take place at the Club Halcones facilities and the activities will continue on Monday and Tuesday with Tae Kwon Do whose stage will be the “Miguel Barragán” Auditorium.


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