so you can work easily

Patrick Mahomes has reaffirmed his candidacy to be the heir to Tom Brady. They are big words, but the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs is making merits so that this label is hung and nobody puts their hands to their heads.

The current NFL and Super Bowl MVP has led the Chiefs to lift their third Vince Lombardi trophy, the second since he has been at the controls of the offense. He’s impossible to stop, and not even an injury is enough – Rihanna willing – to keep him cold-handed.

Mahomes is differential. And one of his strengths is the mobilitywhich refers to the joint range of motion. In this way, the quarterback has a great ability to get out of the pocket, run on the pressure to gain yards and place millimeter passes while being tackled. He has crushed this facet and is capable of doing magic at any time, especially when he has a lot of pressure.

The player commented to Men’s Journal that his training focuses, above all, on the mobility of his joints such as the hip and leg flexors as well as the shoulders. In this way, he can run, absorb blows, and throw hard and far in short periods of time.

His trainer, Bobby Stroupe, explained to Men’s Health in 2021 that, of all the athletes he advises – and there are more than a hundred between the NFL and MLB -, the Mahomes’ spine is the most athletic he’s ever seen: “You can twist and turn your body in any direction.”

Which has benefits?

Anyone can train mobility, although keep in mind that Mahomes is a prodigy. From here, dedicating hours of training to this facet is very important as it has several benefits:

  • Improved joint health: Maintaining good mobility helps maintain joint health and reduces the risk of injury.
  • Reduced pain and discomfort: By improving mobility, pain and discomfort in the joints are reduced, especially in parts such as the lower back, hips and knees.
  • Improved balance and stability: By regularly training mobility, overall coordination and stability can be improved, making everyday tasks easier and safer.
  • A better posture: Having good mobility can help improve posture, reducing the risk of developing chronic pain and discomfort in the neck, back, and hips.
  • Greater sports performance: Good mobility can help improve exercise performance, especially in sports that require quick changes of direction, jumps, and throws.

3 exercises to gain mobility

To gain mobility and prevent some problems, it is enough to regularly practice some simple exercises and stretches. In this way, the joints can be moved more freely.

Toe touch to squat

  • Get into a deep squat position, bringing your arms to the inside of your knees and your hands touching your fingers.
  • From here, lift your hips and straighten your knees while continuing to touch your feet.
  • Depending on your flexibility, you may need to slide your hands from the tops of your feet to your ankles or shins.
  • Return to the position and repeat.

Woodchoop with Kettlebell

  • Begin in a squat position with the dumbbell resting on the outside of your hip.
  • Explosively extend the weight by rotating the torso to the opposite side and up.
  • Return to the position and repeat.
  • Then switch sides.

Elevation of arms and knees

  • Start kneeling, supporting the weight on the feet
  • Raise your hips as you raise your arms straight above your head
  • Hold, return to the position and repeat.

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