Ski jumper Kramer not nominated for team competition

Last year’s overall World Cup winner Marita Kramer dropped out of the Austrian team for the team competition of the ski jumpers at the World Championships in Planica. After 23rd place the day before in the individual on the normal hill, the result of two training jumps compared to Jacqueline Seifriedsberger was important on Friday, in which the Salzburger was just behind.

The quartet of defending champions for Saturday (12.15 p.m., live on ORF1) are now Eva Pinkelnig, Chiara Kreuzer, Julia Mühlbacher and Seifriedsberger. “It was decided what was in the result list after the two rounds,” explained ÖSV head coach Harald Rodlauer. Kramer is therefore out of the question for the mixed competition scheduled for Sunday, the only hope left for her is a commitment in the competition on the large hill scheduled for Wednesday.

Kramer knows the reason for her poor performance: “I generally have a mistake at the top of the table. My strength has always been that I can put the energy into the pool, and I’m missing that at the moment. As a result, I can’t quite get into my flight system. Then it is extremely difficult for me to jump far. But if I do that at the table, then I get back into my flight system.” When asked whether things could go better in these title fights, Kramer said: “Never say never.”


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