Second place of the IC “Balsamo-Pandolfini” at the Student Championships in the provincial badminton final

L’“Balsamo-Pandolfini” Institute has joined the Student Championships, which represent an introduction to sport in various disciplines with the aim of promoting the transmission of all the positive values ​​that sport, in its educational and training sense, promotes. The selected pupils participated in the provincial final of badminton, which was held at the Istituto Comprensivo “Colozza-Bonfiglio” in Palermo, qualifying in second place.

The male and female students they were prepared and accompanied by the physical education and sports science teachers, Prof. Tiziana Giardina and Professor Francesco Passalacqua, fully satisfied with the result obtained and proud of the boys who competed with commitment and team spirit. This is how the pupils involved in the competition express themselves: “Living a sport experience even at school – declares Paolo Carroccio – was exciting, we are proud of the result achieved by representing our Institute”.

“It was a unique experience, full of fun and happiness. This sport excites me so much because it’s very fast and dynamic, I can’t wait to play it again”; with these words he expresses himself Mario Dolce. “It was a busy day – says Sofia Saieva– I am happy to have participated in the badminton championships and to have known a sport other than the one I practice”.

Happiness and satisfaction also emerge from the words of Joy Mantia: “It was a great day, a wonderful experience: an extraordinary team spirit and a deep sense of respect for the opponent prevailed.”

The Headmaster, Prof. Caterina La Russaproud of the excellent result obtained, congratulating the students and the teachers in charge of the initiative, declares: “The enhancement of physical activity through sports orientation courses is essential for the well-being of students who not only experience an opportunity personal growth, socialization and integration but also acquire awareness of the meaning of motor activity for health”.


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