Sanction to Cataño could be 3 years without entering stadiums

Milton Restrepo, Secretary of Government of Ibaguéexplained, in dialogue with The Lengthen of Snail Radio, the reasons why Daniel CatanoMillionaires midfielder, was summoned to defense after a process that was opened against him, after being attacked by a fan of the Sports Tolima and respond to such aggression. According to Restrepo, The Antioquia midfielder could receive a punishment similar to that of Alejandro Restrepo, a fan of the Tolima team.

About the summons

“Here you have to look at two important contexts, one in the face of the fact that I am second instance in an administrative-sanctionary process according to Law 1445 of 2011, I will be very prudent without failing to give information to your audience.

The first antecedent is that there were, publicly known, some events in the city of Ibagué in the Tolima-Millonarios match, where a fan of Deportes Tolima, Alexander Montenegroattacked a Millionaires player and where, effectively, today (Monday), regardless of criminal responsibility, regardless of the process carried out by the Prosecutor, the municipal administration, through the Police district, which belongs to the justice direction, sanctioned Mr. Alejandro Montenegro, with a fine of 23 million pesos in favor of the Ministry of Sports and the prohibition of entry to the Manuel Murillo Toro Stadium for three years, for assaulting a Millionaires player. In that first scenario I can pronounce myself, because in fact no appeal was made and the sanction was undoubtedly firm.

It was not only the fan’s aggression, but also the response of a Millonarios player, where being a public figure and where there is also a greater degree of ethical responsibilityresponds to the aggression causing an injury also to the fan who attacks him and that without a doubt in the light of the aforementioned norm, Law 1445 of 2011 in its article 15, literally authorizes the inspection, surveillance and control procedures, and in the responsibility, surveillance, control and prevention processes in terms of security and coexistence in professional sports in its article 15, which is very clear where it says incitement to physical-verbal aggression, it speaks of without prejudice to criminal law, which is a totally different discussion, they say that within a sporting event, the stadium, the field, the grandstand or in a tournament to it, on the occasion of the sporting event incites or commits acts of physical or verbal aggression against another person, He says that he will be sanctioned with a fine and with the prohibition to enter sports venues.

It literally says physical aggression, the fine will be between 20 and 100 current legal minimum wages, and the prohibition to enter sports venues for a period between three and five years. The norm is clear, it does not distinguish between a player or a citizen, simply that a physical or verbal aggression occurs inside or during a sporting event.

Could Cataño be sanctioned?

“It is the decision that the municipal administration has made, to call the Cataño player to disclaim and that in that process that begins administratively the disclaimers be heard and that they see if the conduct of the Millionaires player conforms to the sanction that article 15 of the aforementioned Law brings and if it gives power so that in the first instance the Police inspector imposes a fine and a pertinent sanction such as not entering sports venues, but let’s say that this will be the beginning of the process, that obviously by reservation I will have to limit myself on the issue of the pronouncements, because I am second instance, but that there are also some behaviors that must be reviewed during the process, some manifestations, not only of the Tolima fans but also the player Cataño the day before the game, the previous responses to the Tolima fans by the player, but also very important that the sports venues and that the peaceful celebration of Colombian football be a factor of union and coexistence, here we cannot be reactionaries, let alone the aggression can be the ball on the field, but rather the coexistence and peace that must be carried”.

For this reason, also within the measures that in the Local Football Commission were determined It is being studied that those who applauded this Tolima fan who attacked the player, also this western and family tribune, have some type of sanction so that there is no apology for violence in Colombian soccer.”

see also

There are no signals from you to the player

I’m not pointingThat is why there has been a forceful rejection from the municipal administration, with the fan who attacked a player, with the bars that applauded the violence, as well as the response to the player’s aggression, without a doubt. Regardless of the insult or not the response, the idea is to be able, objectively and from the application of the norm, some behaviors that in a soccer field and that suddenly the Bogotá press could be uncomfortable, that neither the Tolima fan nor the player were high enoughbecause the message of coexistence and security inside the stadiums must be to be able to enjoy the party, which allows us to calmly watch a game.

“Those of us who hold public office and are public figures are in a greater degree of responsibility than any other citizen, which is what will effectively have to be looked at in the investigation, in the version rendered by the player Cataño, as a sanction was also applied today, to a fan who does not represent the Ibagueremos, who does not represent the Tolimenses”.

“Commendable work with the sanction to the fan”

Where are they highlighting the commendable work, which is not so that they recognize it because we must act like this as an administration, the sanctions against the fan who attacked the Millonarios player?as well as the forceful rejection of the Millionaires’ bars that attacked an ESMAD agent, causing him injuries, which must also be equally rejected”.

“Security device almost at the height of a final”

We had a security device almost the height of the Colombian soccer final, more than 1,500 men, Police, Army, Air Force, relief agencies, guaranteeing the safety of visitors who had already had their borders closed two years ago due to the murder of a fan. We decided to open the doors to Colombian soccer, to the visiting fans, because it is precisely the message that the municipal administration wanted to send that soccer should be a scene of peace and coexistence, in this scenario we guarantee the safety of the fans, who they left without a single injury, without a single homicide and without a single public order mishap.”

And why the attack on the Millionaires bus?

Why did the logistics of the Millonarios club fail because the bus was damaged and we had to take it out on an ESMAD bus?.. we had to make such security available to them because the bus did not work for them. But one is also concerned that having all the security conditions, guaranteeing all the security conditions, it was decided not to play the game by Millonarios but the red card was taken away from the player Cataño, all these issues must be analyzed in context, allowing a football of coexistence and peace, but that allows us a reconciliation. How do we punish the fan? If a responsibility is established, we do not know, because it will start an investigation process of the player Cataño, and if the conduct is determined or not, then it will be the one who makes the decision that will be the inspector and I will have to review in second instance whether or not to appeal the decision madethat we have no idea what the decision that the Police inspector takes could be ”.

Should the game have been played?

“I think so, they had all the security conditions, the security devices, security was reinforced, security was guaranteed, so much so that he even began to warm up another Millonarios player when he was shown the red card, but Millonarios decided that there was no security when it was determined that the red card could not be removed from him by the referees of the match. That discussion will have to be given at the level of club presidents.

his conclusion

“Objectively, there is a fan who is sanctioned and a process that will begin objectively trying to apply the norm that today allows there not to be at least this type of gap or this type of behavior without any type of application to the norm that today is in force in Colombia and that we are applying from the municipal administration”.


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