Roger Federer no longer the most followed Swiss: Alisha Lehmann ousted tennis legend on Instagram

Lehmann was recently nominated for the Swiss national team by the new German national coach Inka Grings.

The 24-year-old retired from the national team last year because she didn’t feel mentally fit for the European Championships in England.

While Lehmann is in the middle of her sporting career, Federer ended his active career in September last year.


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The 41-year-old from Basel wrote on Instagram at the time: “It’s a bittersweet decision because I will miss everything the tour gave me.”

Alisha Lehmann

Fotocredit: Getty Images

Federer, who won 20 Grand Slam titles during his career, justified his retirement with physical problems: “I’ve worked hard to get back into full shape. But I also know the capabilities and limits of my body and its message I’ve been clear lately.”

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