Ricardo Gareca: “The leaders of Boca have to be convinced to hire me” | The coach admitted that he would like to lead Argentine football again

The former coach of Vélez and the selected from Peru, Ricardo Gareca, assured that he is willing to return to work in the country and especially in the mouth.If a club from Argentina calls me, I would direct. In Boca I had a story that the fan does not forget, but they are not the ones who decide beyond what they can say. The leaders are the ones who define and they have to be convinced to hire me, something that has not happened. They never leaned on me. I am very respectful of the opinion of the fans,” Gareca said in statements to ESPN.

Besides, it remarked that it would be had to assume in spite of what could feel the sympathizers of the club. “I would not contemplate the fans, the people are very passionate, they can become aggressive but it is the most legitimate that has football A club comes to us, gives us more money and we leave, but the fan does not betrayhe is faithful, it can hurt him,” acknowledged Gareca who, together with Oscar Ruggeri, left Boca for River in 1985.

On the other hand, he revealed that he was only contacted by Boca during the presidency of Daniel Angelici. “At one point he took me by surprise, it seemed that there was very true information about everything, but I never received a specific call. The only time was with Angelici, but he was already under contract with the Peruvian team, he had no way outGareca explained.


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